
Integrate Sustainability across Your Company's DNA.

A sustainability strategy is truly effective only when it’s in clear alignment with your overall corporate goals and vision. Sustainability cannot be a stand-alone or add-on effort; otherwise it is destined to never realize its full potential. CENGSSUD works closely with senior management, Sustainability/CSR departments and green teams to develop plans, timelines and metrics customized to meet your current and future operational, financial and sustainability goals.

> Definition

The first step in any strategy is to ensure everyone is on the same page, and language is a key part of that. We work with you to establish what sustainability really means for your organization and develop a simple definition that all employees adopt and use.

> Vision

Your sustainability vision is what drives your work and serves as a reference for all of your goals. It is different for every organization, and we help you develop the “why” of your sustainability journey by defining your vision.

> Goals and Implementation Plan

We deliver customized sustainability strategies that do more than sit on a shelf; they become part of your everyday operations and truly integrate sustainability into everything you do. We outline your prioritized goals, timeline, ownership and accountability to ensure successful implementation, all tailored to how your organization responds to change.

> Our approach

• Ambition setting
• Establishing goals, KPIs, programs for strategy
• Governance and operating model design
• Policy and process development
• Risk/opportunity analysis
• Carbon, energy, water and environmental strategy
