In today’s volatile, complex, and uncertain world, it is very crucial and urgent for businesses to understand key environmental and social risks and opportunities and successfully manage them to drive innovation, competitiveness, create shareholders value, reduce costs, maximize profit, improve operational efficiency, conserve resources, mitigate environmental harm, improve brand reputation and create value. This all-encompassing two-day Corporate Sustainability Management training aims to give you all the latest practical tools and resources required to implement sustainability in strategies, operations and DNA of any business. You will identify practical strategies to navigate the challenges of developing a sustainable business and learn management practices that positively impact the Triple Bottom Line.OUTCOMES
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to demonstrate:- An understanding of leading-edge thinking and practice in the highly dynamic field of corporate sustainability management.
- The ability to develop and communicate a business case for sustainability.
- Familiarity with the conceptual frameworks and practical tools to apply sustainability in an organisational setting. Participants will share in a participative and collaborative learning environment.
- Develop management systems and performance frameworks for sustainability practices for use in a variety of organizations
- Participants will learn how to reduce or eliminate business waste, also circular economy concepts
- Gain an understanding on communication and reporting framework in-line with the GRI G4 standard.
- It will help participants to formulate new and review existing corporate policies such as energy policy, waste reduction policy, procurement policy, labour policy, code of conduct etc.
- Local, regional and global standards, frameworks, principles on sustainability will be taught.
- MODULE 1: FROM CSR TO CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY: Transforming from a short-term philanthropy mindset to a more strategic, sustainable CSR approach
- State of the World
- Definition of terms (Corporate Philanthropy, CSR, Sustainability)
- The rise of Corporate Sustainability
- Sustainability Pillars (Environmental, Social, Economic, Governance)
- Differences between sustainability and CSR
- Importance of sustainability to business
- Commitments (Board and Management)
- Defining framework for assessment
- Assessment (SWOT, gap, industry benchmarking, environmental impact, etc.)
- Toolkits for assessments
- Measure and Communicate
- Policy (Setting the tone, explains the context, highlights focus areas and different sustainability policies to adopt, etc.
- Programs (initiatives and activities that bring policy to life)
- Performance (data that back up your claims, track progress over time)
- United Nations Global Compacts 10 Principles (UNGC)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Sustainability Disclosure Guidelines (Nigerian Stock Exchange)
- Principle 26 FRC
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
- PRI, Equator Principles
- IFC Performance Standards etc
- Systems Thinking for Sustainability
- Setting targets metrics and tools
- Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate governance and operations
- Integrate into culture
- Select solutions for short and long term
- Sustainability performance measures and KPIs
- Climate Change
- Sustainability in supply chain
- Stakeholder identification, engagement, and strategy
- Stakeholder matrix
- The rise of the carbon footprint strategy as part of the environmental strategy. What can organizations do?
- Carbon accounting and WRI Greenhouse Gas Protocol
- Carbon offsetting
- Understanding and identifying business waste
- Assess business waste generation and Mapping the Waste-Elimination Process & strategy
- Eliminating Waste at Work: Getting Started
- Resource life Extension
- Reuse, Repair, Remanufacturing, and Recycling
- Product Stewardship, Extended Producer Responsibility
- The importance of sustainability ratings
- Understanding reporting
- Why report?
- GRI G4 Guidelines: Reporting on the Triple Bottom Line
- Materiality
- Case Studies & exercises
- Best practices on reporting communication
- External Assurance
- Testing Understanding